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Testimonials If you have noticed a significient difference in how you feel after taking one of our products we want to hear from you. Send us an email with your testimonial and a picture if you wish. ======================= Dear Susan, My daughter first bought a bottle of the Cherry Capsule last year at the...Festival. My arthritis is so much better. I no longer use my cane, I am so happy. I am ordering a case because my husband is taking them now for a hip pain, and he is doing better to. Thank you, Wilma L. ======================= Hi Peg, Just wanted you to know that I have improved so much, much less pain, not using the crutch and able to walk better. I have given your name and address to at least a dozen people, and could have sold a lot more had I had them. Thank the Lord for the relief. My massage therapist could tell a big difference and she got the info from me, and has given out several copies also. Thank you so much, Virginia R. |
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